The Stock Stamp Reenvisioned

As part of the continued efforts by Prodigy Disc to advance a more modern, sleek, and professional approach to disc golf, today we introduce a reenvisioned look for our standard stock stamp on production discs.
The changes allow for more creative possibilities while still communicating key information our players are looking for. Prodigy enthusiasts will see many similarities in the new stock stamp to current and past design language.

A closer look at the refreshed Stock Stamp
A minimalist approach allows our beautiful plastics to shine through
New split layout can create unique dual foil color stamps and combinations
Typography updated to reflect new branding
Simplified layout makes information easier to find and understand
Flight numbers added to all discs
Container clearly specifies plastic type and is an homage to our roots
The new stock stamp will also feature updated Prodigy Disc flight numbers for many molds. With changes to production methods, plastic blends, and other factors, Seppo Paju spearheaded an in-depth review of the listed characteristics of the Prodigy Disc lineup and these new flight numbers will be featured on discs for the first time as production discs receive the new stock stamp.
“When we were approaching the redesign of the stock stamp we had a few goals in mind and I believe we achieved them,” said Lane Mosolf, Art Director at Prodigy Disc. “The brand identity on the new stamp is much stronger and more coherent than before without sacrificing any of the valuable stats and info we know players want. On a store shelf or in the bottom of the basket, this new art really pops.”
Updating the stock stamps is just one element of the overall brand refresh announced at the beginning of 2023 as part of Prodigy Disc’s 10 year anniversary. Other naming and design areas that have been updated include consolidating our plastic names and removing “V2” from any disc molds. An example of plastics being consolidated is replacing 350G with 300 Firm to better fit alongside 300 and 300 Soft.
The first discs to ship to customers with the updated stock stamp will be the PA-3 in 300 plastic, PA-5 in 300 and 300 Soft plastic, and A3 in 750 plastic, with other molds and plastics receiving the stamp update as new products are produced.